The carbon emissions of 1 gigabyte

Sending a gigabyte, had a carbon footprint of ??????? grams of CO2

Why care?

Machine learning is not carbon neutral!

Software is a significant contributor to carbon emissions around the globe. Researchers estimate that between 2 and 4% of the global carbon emission stem from software and IT and this number is expected to increase in the coming years.

Mitigating the carbon emissions (and other environmental impact) of software is not trivial, but there are some things you can do! For example, you can time and location shift your computations to a time or place when/where the energy is a bit more green. We have a tool, and we promise it will be quick

Easy-to-use API

Sign up, request your token, and make your computation greener with just a few lines of code.


Ready-to-use client code

We provide convenient python wrappers that put your task to sleep until the energy meets your required green energy standards or your patience runs out.

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